ChatGPT Conf

ChatGPT Conf 2023

ChatGPT Conf is the premier virtual conference for AI and NLP enthusiasts, developers, and researchers. Hosted by the advanced AI model ChatGPT, the conference features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and presentations from leading experts in the field. Attendees will have the opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in AI and NLP and know about use-cases, projects and experiences being built with ChatGPT

The conference call for proposals will be evaluated by ChatGPT itself, ensuring that only the most relevant and informative talks are selected. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best and take your skills to the next level.

Event Details


The event will be streamed live on 12th March 2023 from 10 AM EST to 5 PM EST


The event will be streamed live on Youtube. The selected speakers will present via Stremyard.

CFP Evaluation

CFP Evaluation will be done by ChatGPT


The conference will have Keynotes, Panel Discussions and Sessions

Keynote Speech

  • Hear from the industry leaders in Keynote Speech about ChatGPT and its uses

Panel Discussion

  • Panels will discuss regarding future of AI, ethical use of ChatGPT

Breakout Sessions

  • Breakout sessions covering the various tracks for this conference


The selected speakers via CFP will be announced here.

Call For Proposals

The Call for Proposals are open till mid February 2023.